(952) 454-4065 [email protected]

Primary Insights Type Reformer: How To Appreciate Them

Every team and organization would benefit from having the Primary Insights Type Reformer on their team.  They keep standards and ethics high and make sure everyone else is on task as much as they are.  In this fourth blog of my series of the eight Primary Insights...

How To Recognize Coordinators

Every employer’s dream is to have an employee who is dependable, loyal, with high expectations of self.  The next of the eight Primary Insights Types I want to talk about is the Coordinator.  Coordinators explain the exact qualities of the employee listed above.  In...

The Helper: How To Help Them Succeed

If you know someone who has tendencies that lean towards a combination of Sunshine Yellow and Earth Green energy, you have a Helper in your life.  This second blog in my series of eight on the Eight Primary Insights Types is on the Helper type.  Helpers make great...

Motivators: How To Empower Big Picture Thinkers

My previous four blogs were all about the four Primary Insights Colors: Cool Blue, Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, and Earth Green.  You may have found that yourself or your coworkers fit mostly into one of those categories, but not completely.  That’s why Insights...

How To Relate To Fiery Red To Enhance Its Strengths

When at its best, Fiery Red color energy really gets the job done, but when misunderstood, the Fiery Red color energy can be a difficult energy to get along with.  However, when understood, Fiery Red becomes an important ally, effective boss, and easy to interact...